Saturday, November 24, 2018

Paper Plate Ghost – Paper Plate Crafts for Kids

Let’s make an adorable boo! This swirly paper plate ghost is fun to make and can easily double up as a Halloween decoration as it will swirl in the air!
We love paper plate crafts around here (I’m sure you already noticed)!
Paper Plate Ghost Craft

Paper Plate Ghost Craft

While I do think ghost crafts are cute I was dead afraid of ghost when I was a kid (thanks to the many absolutely scary ghost stores I was told by the older kids in the neighbourhood). Think it was until I saw the movie Casper and “realized” ghost can be nice too that anything ghost related would make me look like, well a ghost.
What you need;
  • 1 small and 1 big paper plate (or 2 larger ones and you trim one down)
  • scissors
  • glue
  • black marker
  • thread
Take the larger paper plate and start cutting it with scissors in a spiral manner towards the middle.
Draw spooky expression on the smaller paper plate and glue it onto the center point of the now swirly cut larger paper plate.
Attach a thread on the ghost’s head and watch it swirl!
More Fun Paper Plate Crafts 
There’s another fun Halloween themed paper plate craft your kids can do – why not make a paper plate black cat! Or a paper plate crocodile as this little fellow can easily double up as a scary Halloween monster!
Ghost Paper Plate Craft

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