Monday, November 12, 2018

Hedgehog Painted Rocks – Rock Crafts for Kids

anteing and we love hedgehogs so these cute fellows were a must.Hedgehog Painted Rocks - Rock Crafts for Kids

Hedgehog Painted Rocks
What you need
stones (river stones gathered on your next walk or picked up in a dollar or craft store)
brown acrylic paint
beige acrylic paint
black markerstep1

Wash the stones and dry them to get rid of dust and dirt. Paint them with a coat of beige color. Let it dry. Paint over with brown, leave beige head.

You can add some texture already by adding more (wavy) layers of brown paint. Make a brown spot for the nose. Let dry completely.

When the paint dries completely draw spines, eyes and nostrils with a black marker. You are all done. Repeat as many times as you want :).
So how many of these hedgehog painted rocks will you make?

Andreja Easy Peasy and FunHedgehog Painted Rock Art for KidsHedgehog Painted Rock Art for Little Ones

1 comment:

Fairy Garden in a Jar by  Andreja   1 Comment If you are one of those people (as are we) that loves anything that has to do with fai...