Saturday, November 24, 2018

Fairy Garden in a Jar

If you are one of those people (as are we) that loves anything that has to do with fairies you are going to adore this simple DIY fairy garden in a jar! It’s the easiest DIY fairy garden (no fail one even) that you will have ready in no time.
You can display this fairy garden outdoors (just keep it under a roof) or as a decoration in your house, it will look great as a centerpiece on your dinner table. This project is suitable both for kids and adults.
Fairy Garden in a Jar Craft for Kids
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Fairies are magical and you can easily capture some of that magic by making a fairy garden of your own. This one can be made out of materials that you gather on your nature walk or you can grab them from the nearest craft store (or similar).
We do need to warn you, making rock fairy houses is insanely addictive and you might have trouble stopping after you create your first one. But they can fit pretty much anywhere so the more you make, the  more magic gets spread.
Ready to make your miniature DIY fairy garden? Let’s make one!
How to Make Fairy Garden in a Jar

How to Make a Mini DIY Fairy Garden in a Jar

What you need:
  • a large flat rock (other shapes will do too, but flat round one is awesome). – we got ours near the river, but craft stores usually hold them too (or garden stores)
  • acrylic paints, white, black, brown, red
  • paint brushes
  • pencil with eraser (optional)
  • decorative sand or small rocks – again craft stores have them at a reasonable price, nature is your friend too
  • moss (store bought or from nature)
  • glass jar
Optional: other magical decorations (shells, gemstones, sea glass…), varnish
Fairy Garden

Step by Step Tutorial

If you got your stone from the nature, wash it and let it dry completely.
Paint with white paint. Depending on the paint pigmentation you might need to do more than one layers. You can also leave the rock in it’s natural color. Let the paint dry.
Once the paint is dry, paint the top of the stone red.
While you wait for the red paint to dry, paint the doors – brown ones with a black frame.
Also draw a tiny window.
Tip: if you find it hard to paint the windows or doors with a paint brush, you can also draw them with a permanent marker.
Paint or draw a black line under the red roof.
We are making our fairy house to be a mushroom, so white spots are in order. You can paint them with a brush, our you can dip the eraser from a pencil into white paint and stamp the round dots on the stone.
Let the paint dry completely before you move to the next step.
Find a nice glass jar that will fit your stone and will still have enough “wiggle” room for the fairy garden decorations.
Add a bit of sand or rocks into the jar.
Push the stone into the jar. Add more sand or rocks if needed.
Add moss and, if you wish, other decorations to your fairy garden.
All that is left to do is to find a place worthy of your magical DIY fairy garden.

Winter Tree Finger Painting – Quick Art Project for Kids

t’s time to get creative with your fingers (and q-tips)!
This simple winter tree finger painting activity is great for kids of all ages but I think preschoolers and kids in kindergarten will enjoy it the most!
The q-tip snowflakes also make a fantastic fine motor exercise!
Winter Tree Finger Painting Craft for Kids
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When it’s just to cold to go and play outside this simple project will keep them engaged for a while and chances are you have everything you need already at home!
We love sharing winter craft ideas for kids to do, and we’re also really happy to share art ideas too!
This one is insanely easy and can be modified to work with all ages, from toddlers to kids in grade school.
There are more than one ways you can go about this winter art project, and it’s a great one for the classroom, the use of materials can be modified to make it appropriate for different age groups (we’ll share a few tips and ideas later on).

Winter Tree Finger Painting

What you need:
Finger Painting Activities

Ideally you will need a piece of blue paper – you can use any color really but blue paper really works the best to create the winter scenery.

You’ll also need a permanent marker to draw the tree (or you can have your kids make a hand print instead of drawing the tree), some white colors and a q-tip to make the snowflakes.
Now, there are quite a few other “painting” materials you can use to make this winter scenery… Kids can use sponge brushes (circle shape), daubers, clothespins with cotton wool on them, stamps or variety of other materials to make snow. But fingers will always win, as getting messy with your art is the best.
If you’re longing for spring (or just don’t have any color paper) your kids can make a cherry blossom tree – we will be making it next week!
Finger Painting Activities
More Winter Activities
When it’s warmer outside be sure to bring some color to the winter by painting little snowmen! If that’s not colorful enough there are a ton of different other colorful winter activities you can try with your kids!

Winter Tree Finger Painting

Our Winter Art Idea in Action

Photos submitted by Marie N., little artists are from Malmö in Sweden
Wonderful Winter Art Idea - Winter Tree With Finger Painting - Perfect for Preschool, Kindergarten and older kids
Fingerprint Winter Art ProjectEasy Winter Art Idea For Classroom
Winter Art Idea
Winter SceneArtWinter Art

How to Paint a Butterfly – Acrylic Painting For Beginners

earn how to paint an abstract butterfly on canvas with this step by step how to paint a butterfly acrylic painting lesson for kids, beginners and first time painters.
With this painting tutorial you will master acrylic paining for beginners and end up with a wonderful butterfly canvas – simple, quick and fun for home, classroom or painting party.
How to Paint a Butterfly Canvas - Step by Step Art Lesson on Acrylic Painting for Kids and Beginners
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Canvas painting has become a very popular pastime in the past few years and many people have taken to trying it at home now, instead of just going to a class elsewhere. Painting canvases using online instructions or videos makes that an easier task as well.
Acrylic Painting for Beginners - Butterfly Canvas Painting DIY

With this butterfly canvas, you can either just choose to paint it yourself, or make duplicates to have several people do it all together for a fun time or family activity.

Painting a butterfly

You can teach it as an art class, too, if you do homeschool or art classes, and it will be enjoyed by all because you can customize the butterfly to be the color or style you prefer.

How to Paint a Butterfly Step by Step Painting Tutorial for Beginners

How to Paint a Butterfly

What you will need:
  • Plastic disposable tablecloth
  • Easel if you like
  • Paints in various colors, acrylic is best, and you can get the cheap store brand, which works just fine
  • Pencil and eraser
  • Transfer paper and tracing paper if you want to do duplicates
  • Canvas in 16” x 20 for each person
  • Paper towels
  • Paint palette or paper plate and cup for water for each person
  • Paintbrushes in various sizes from tiny to at least a 1”.

Step by Step Butterfly Painting Tutorial

Let’s learn how to paint a butterfly!
Set up workplace

The first thing to do is to take one canvas and draw the outline of the butterfly.

Don’t let this overwhelm you, it doesn’t have to be detailed or perfect, you just need to make it fill about ¾ of the canvas and have the 4 wing sections, and body mainly. If you want to draw a more kid friendly butterfly with a smile on it’s face we also have a tutorial on how to draw a butterfly.
Draw it lightly and erase if you make a mistake.
Draw the Butterfly
If it makes you too nervous to do it right on the canvas, then tape together tracing paper to fit over top of the canvas to make the 16” x 20” size and draw it on that instead.
Tracing step 1

Any dots, designs on the wings or antenna will be added later in painting, and will be painted over, so don’t bother to add those. Just the main outline of the butterfly is enough.

Now if you are doing this just for you, you don’t need to worry with making copies unless you drew it on the tracing paper.
If you did, or if you are making duplicates for a get together, or a class, use the transfer paper to make copies on to the rest of the canvases. This eliminates drawing it again. You will need to trace the butterfly you drew on to tracing paper first, and then transfer it.

If you have never used transfer paper here’s how it works:

Find the side of the paper that has the ink on it and lay that facing down on the canvas.
Then, line up the tracing paper over the top of it, to match up with the canvas, so that the butterfly is where you want it to go on the canvas.
Take a dull pencil or tracing tool and trace over each line you want copied. When you think you got all the lines done, try lifting the paper up a bit and peeking to be sure you didn’t miss any, before you pull the paper off, so it doesn’t come out of alignment with the tracing you just did, and fill in any lines you missed. Then repeat on each canvas you need a copy on. Saves a huge headache of drawing the same thing over and over!

Time to Paint

Now once your images are done on all the canvases you need, you are ready to paint. Put down the tablecloth on your surface first before pouring any paint.
Choose your background color and butterfly color, plus you will need black and white and at least one accent color. Get your paints ready and then begin your how to paint a butterfly adventure.
Paint the outline

Begin by using a thinner, smaller brush to do an outline with.

You should always wet your brush the first time you use it, then blot the excess water on the paper towel, and then dip it in the paint. This just loosens the paint and brush up, so it flows better. You don’t want it dripping wet though, it will ruin the paint.
Paint the background
Now, with the color you chose for the background, paint an outline around the outside of the butterfly.
Go all the way around it, including any part of a wing that may reach around the outer edge.
Then, come back with a larger brush and paint the background in.
It is possible, depending on the color you chose, that you will need a second coat of paint, but let the first one soak in somewhat before you paint the second one, so that you can tell how much you need.

Paint the butterfly

While that is soaking in, go ahead and paint in the butterfly. I like to outline it as well, the same way I did the background, going around the wings and center of the body, so that I know right where to stay in the lines and sections when I am painting it in. Leave the center of the body empty.

This also helps you get into the small areas on the canvas and not try to do that with a larger brush that isn’t meant for the job.

The wings will possibly need a second coat too, so let those dry some and go back to the background paint while they are.
Paint in the second coat on the background and try to keep your brush strokes going in the same direction on this coat.
This helps it fill in better and not have any streakiness showing in the paint.
Paint the edges of butterfly canvas
Be sure to paint the edges of the canvas also. If you want to be sure to get the bottom edge now while you’re thinking of it, flip the canvas upside down and paint it, or you can wait until the very last to do this also.
Give your body’s center a coat of black paint before you go back to the wings, as the black will need another coat for sure.
Paint the body
Now switch to the wings, paint in the second coat, and then repeat the black coat on the body again.
At this point, check for any spaces where white canvas is showing through your paint or you see streaks in the paint that need a little touching up. Go ahead and paint those in until you are satisfied.
Let this dry a few minutes and now you will need your accent color for wings and background swirls.

Adding the details

I prefer to use a lighter version of the color used on the wings for this, but you don’t have to. You can take a little white paint and mix it with the color of the wings to get this accent color, which is what I did on mine.
Now, using a medium to small brush that is longer than it is wide, paint strokes on the wings, or you can create your own pattern if you choose.
Paint random and varied sizes of circles in the background as well so that there is some dimension to the painting, creating the look of out of focus lights in the background.
You can also use a round sponge to stamp circles on if you prefer that. They don’t need to be perfect, the idea is to create movement without painting more to the wings themselves.
Outline wings

Then, using the same brush or a slightly smaller one, paint a black edge around the wings, and going inward in the center of the wings too so that it comes across the middle of the wings and to the body.

Paint the antennae

Now take a very small brush and paint in antenna.

Add accents

The last step is to add a few highlights to finish it off.

Paint white highlights on wings, in corners of them and along the edges on one side at least, and then down one side of the body, as well as a highlight on the head and antennas.
Then, add a few white highlights here and there to the background circles, to give the illusion of light reflections.
Now just check for any areas you’d like to touch up, give it your signature, and you’re all done! Congratulations! You’ve learned how to paint a butterfly.

How to Paint a Butterfly

Printable Easter Silhouette Craft – Easter Bunny Template

We have jet another wonderful Easter project to share with you!
This Easter Silhouette Craft comes with a free printable template and it will look wonderful as an DIY Easter decoration.
Easter Silhouette Printable Craft for Kids to Make #Eastercrafts #craftsforkids #activitiesforkids
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Easter is one of those holidays that is celebrated by a lot of people and whatever your reasons are to celebrate this holiday we are sure bunnies and Easter eggs are part of it.
We’ve been busy sharing easy crafts kids can do, this one included, but we feel this particular one bodes well with kids at heart too. It’s easy and quick to make and it is quite an eye catcher once finished.
As this project can be used as a decoration it will also make a wonderful gift for family and friends (especially if it’s kid made).
We opted for a Easter color scheme with soft pastels but there are no color limitations at all.
Easter Bunny Silhouette Craft for Kids to Make

Printable Easter Silhouette Craft

What you need
  • our templates (you will find them at the end of this tutorial)
  • printer
  • two sheets of white paper per shape (heavier paper is better) – one for the outline and one for backgroun
  • paper in many colors
  • scissors
  • glue

Watch the Printable Easter Silhouette Craft Video Tutorial

Or Follow These Simple Step by Step Instructions

Start by cutting out the silhouette outlines. We’ll be showing you how to make the bunny.
Do not discard the little bunny tail :).
Cut plenty of strips of colorful paper.
As previously mentioned we decided to go with soft pastels. Very Eastery.
You can use scissors, paper trimmer or just rip the paper with your hands for a more dynamic look.
Glue the strips of paper on the white sheet of paper.
No particular order is necessary.
Once all the paper strips are on their place apply a glue on one side of the paper with the bunny silhouette.
Glue it on top of the paper with all those colorful strips.
All there is left to do is to pop on the little bunny tail and your Easter Silhouette Craft is all done and ready to be displayed.
Repeat the process with the Easter egg silhouette.
Adorable Printable Easter Silhouette Craft
Printable Easter Silhouette
Cute Printable Easter Silhouette

Printable Easter Silhouette Craft Template

Get the template here: Bunny and Egg Silhouette

Fairy Garden in a Jar by  Andreja   1 Comment If you are one of those people (as are we) that loves anything that has to do with fai...